Saturday, July 14, 2012

Retire the "21st Century" in "21st Century Learning"

Retire the "21st Century" in "21st Century Learning": At the start of ISTE12 I tossed out a concept through twitter that was discussed in the School CIO conference preceding ISTE. I proposed that we should retire "21st Century Learning" and start calling it "Learning". It has caused quite a discussion in twitter and I have had some great intellectual exchanges over it. I wanted to take this venue as a place to put my thoughts on the concept together.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Differentiated Instruction in Science Class

Differentiated Instruction in Science Class:
“What it means to differentiate activities is to give students a variety of ways, or alternate paths, to making sense out of [and] manipulating the ideas they worked with in the content,” says Carol Ann Tomlinson. In this clip, watch how a science teacher differentiates instruction in response to students’ readiness levels.
This clip is an excerpt from the ASCD PD Online® course Differentiated Instruction: An Introduction.

Collaborative Writing & Thinking With Google Docs

Collaborative Writing & Thinking With Google Docs:
Technology specialist Jason Bedell uses Google Docs for writing assignments because it enables seamless collaboration and coaching. Bedell says Google Docs stands out for its collaborative features:
  • You can privately share documents with specific people. Everyone you share with can see the changes in real time and no one has to worry about losing the file or not having the most up-to-date version.
    When you share a document with someone, you can give them only the permissions they need, whether to edit or only to read.
  • You can make a document public so that many people can edit or view it anonymously.
  • You can publish the document as a website that can be shared as is or embedded on a class website.
Watch this brief tutorial on how to use Google Docs in your classroom: