Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Want to connect your students this school year? Here are 5 ideas.

Want to connect your students this school year? Here are 5 ideas.: This piece was originally posted in SmartBlog on Education in Ideas that WorkSocial Media in Education
Editor's note:  U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has named August as Connected Educator Month. The U.S. Department of Education’s Connected Educators initiative seeks to celebrate and encourage educators at all levels to collaborate and participate in online learning resources and communities. This piece was written to support this initiative.

Unlike their parents, today’s students can communicate, collaborate, cooperate, and connect with the world in meaningful ways that were never before possible. It is incumbent upon educators to support students in doing this effectively in order to empower them to do work that will not only lead them to personal success, but is also worthy of the world.
So, how can educators do this? Here are five ways to help your students get connected:
  1. Uncover student interests. Start by supporting young people in discovering, then developing their interests, which may turn into passions. One way to do this is by giving them a student interest inventory.
  2. Connect at the local level. Once a class or school has supported students in identifying interests, share the results so those who care about the same things can connect. Schools using a service like ePals might want to share their interests with students in partner schools to widen the circle with which they are connecting.
  3. Connect via your school’s online platform. Once you have identified student interests in your school, help them set up groups online via places like Edmondo and in person with school-based groups and clubs where students and teachers who share interests can connect, discuss, learn, grow, and create.
  4. Connect via social media. Support students in finding those who share their interests via social media using platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. If a group or hashtag doesn’t exist, support and empower students in starting their own.
  5. Comment on blogs and publications. Help students find out who’s writing about what they care about. When they do, support them in joining the conversation by commenting on those topics and even proposing a guest post or article.
Congratulations! Once you’ve supported students in these five ways, you’ve put them on the road to becoming a connected student with a learning network that will assist them in achieving success in areas that are of deep personal interest.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Today's Newsletter: Guest Author Salvador Contes Jr. on CTE

Today's Newsletter: Guest Author Salvador Contes Jr. on CTE: On July 31, Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle praised colleges and career academies, stating, “We have to design education models that fit the needs of individual students, with pathways to lead them to success." As a matter of fact, Wisconsin has taken the charge of moving the agenda.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Stars, Sparkles and Praise: Motivation in Kids' Apps?

Stars, Sparkles and Praise: Motivation in Kids' Apps?:
Teacher and education director Carolina Nugent looks at the assumptions and realities about educational apps and software for children.
These last few weeks I have read some enlightening blogs and articles about game design, motivation and praise in children's apps. As the education director at KinderTown, I have looked at a tremendous number of apps that use stars, stickers and praise as the method of keeping kids engaged and active on the app. In contrast, as a teacher, I see more value in educational apps modeling lesson design, content and activities that are engaging with leveling for decreased frustration. The challenge for me has been to find apps and games which develop any kind of intrinsic (internal) motivation.
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